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Archive for March 2010

Alison I Said We’re Sinking.

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So, those of you here in New York City have been fending off miserable rain for the past few days now. I take rain for what it is to me, a slow day at work, wet clothing, and an uncomfortable train ride home in said clothing. However, this train ride was made all the more enjoyable thanks to my friend and coworker, Christopher. He introduced me to an album I never listened to but had been meaning to, the album Souvlaki by the group Slowdive. Slowdive is a great ambient, shoe-gaze-y band that is in my opinion ideal for days like today. The type of day where by the end of it you aren’t exactly depressed but you just feel too calm and exhausted from the rain slowing down the day for everyone and battling winds cross town. For me Slowdive complimented that perfectly with their lulling notes and beautifully feather light vocals. For those of you who are fans of bands such as Beach House (older albums) Interpol (older albums) and any form of Post-rock I would Highly recommend this album.

Over all it gets Four out of Five stars, for having just the right pace throughout and the beauty to hold your day over. Included here at the end of the post is my favorite song off of the album, Souvlaki Space Station. While the title might sound bizarre and obscure don’t let that stop you! This is one of the better songs that I have heard recently.

I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did, and a big thank you again to my friend Christopher for putting me on to this, and many other great albums.


Written by scotty m

March 31, 2010 at 3:54 am

Posted in Uncategorized

Summer Basic: The Buck.

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So most of my readers all know that in mens casual wear there are a few staples that are pretty timeless from generation to generation, whether it be the Long-wing Brogue or an oxford shirt or what have you. In today’s post I’ll be writing about a review I have for a pair of Bucks that I’ve picked up by Duckie Brown for Florsheim.

Founded in 1892, Florsheim is a very great old school American brand that though off the radar until recently, has always made a very classic and good quality shoe. The buck is a great casual shoe that usually has a “Red Brick Sole” which is a nice pop of color and very easy to have your cobbler replace. The collaboration between Florsheim and NYC designers Duckie Brown has had some stand out shoes in some great colors, but for this season they decided to take a shot at a pair of bucks and they came out great.

Personally lace ups don’t really do it for me, but when I set eyes on these I had to have them, they were unique in just the right way.

As you can see, the Duckie Brown’s do not have a Red Brick Sole, instead they have a nice washed out grey. For me, the grey made them stand out just enough without taking away from an outfit, just the right amount of neutrality. Hopefully the rain will let up and i can get some more wear out of these guys, but for now they wait.

Thanks for reading guys, until next time!


Written by scotty m

March 30, 2010 at 6:12 am

Posted in Uncategorized